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legal notice

LEBEK Luxembourg, datas and managing partner

LEBEK Luxembourg is a Luxembourg law firm registered with the Luxembourg Bar, having its registered office at :

124 boulevard de la Pétrusse, L-2330 Luxembourg
Telephone number : (352) 27 177 275
Contact : info@lebek.lu

The Managing Partner of LEBEK Luxembourg is Emmanuel LEBEK,
Avocat à la Cour, registered with the Luxembourg Bar (Liste I).

Contact : emmanuel.lebek@lebek.lu

Professional rules and Internal Regulation

LEBEK Luxembourg is subject to the professional rules laid down by the law of 10 August 1991 on the legal profession, as amended, and the Internal Regulation of the Luxembourg Bar dated 12 September 2007, as amended.

These texts are available on the Luxembourg’s Bar website.

Law on the legal profession